
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blessings Of The Brigham City Temple

****Personal but wanted to share****
WOW is the only thing I have to say about the blessing the brigham city temple has brought into my life...I have had the opportunity to be an usher, be on booty duty, Be a guest a few times, and participate in the temple celebration.  It has strenghthend my testimony in ways that know one will ever understand.  To start off the journey the brigham temple has took in my life was about a year ago and a few months that me and my siblings sat in the down pour rain to watch the angel moroni be placed on top of the temple what a great day right as it was time to put it on the temple the weather cleared up and they were able to put it on after much delay.  The First opportunity I had of being at the temple was the week of the fair they asked for helpers to go put booties on people so there shoes didn't track stuff in the temple...I'll be honest I was determined not to go I didn't want to I would have to wake up early and needed to get my lamb ready for the fair.  But after much convincing by my parents I decided to go...I was able to put booties on for about 3.5 hours and had lots of fun seeing how big of hurry the people were in to get there booties on because they were excited to go into the temple.  After about 3.5 hours I was asked to go usher people outside in the front and help them find there way and be there photographer when they wanted a family picture.  I had some great opportunities and one I am going to share that means a lot to me that might not mean anything to anyone else....I was taking a families picture and handed them there camera back when a girl and a boy taped me on my sholder to see if I could take one of them.  They were't from around here and were not LDS had no clue what the temple was but the girl thought it was beautiful and wanted to stop for a picture.  So I took there picture and started talking to them as questions started to flow I know for a fact the spirit guided me in what I was suppose to say to answer there questions because I don't even know how I knew what to say...One of them that really strengthend me was that they wondered if it was possible to tour it I told them yes go down stairs and just join a tour she started to feel guilty she told me we are not dressed and I have tatoos and extra piercings I just looked at her smiled and said it's ok that doesn't matter we do not judge anybody for how they look we are all unique and children of our heavanly father.  She smiled back and said thanks and I wan't sure if they ever went but as my shift was ending I walked down pass the movie place in the parking garage and here her and her boyfriend came walking out and had picked up one of the hadout cards that they give.  I don't know how there tour went but I made me get the chills to think that I might have been the one to make a difference in her life and help her out...:) I also got a good laugh when families would say to there kids smile and look at the SISTER MISSIONARY she is going to take our picture and I just laughed wanting to say actually im only 16 and in high school still...But after these awesome experiences I would put into perspective of serving a mission if it is right... If not now one with my husband! I have also had a blast being a part of the temple celebration dancing and being able to learn about the CO-OP and square dancing it was stressful at first and I had a bad attitude but with an attitude adjustment I have enjoyed going and being involved and being able to do one of the things that I love doing:)...I also had the chance to go with my family and the Smarts to tour the temple the first day of school what a great end to the day... I love the temple and can't wait for the day I go inside<3 This past sunday I was also able to go to the brides room and spend some time in there...Im just going to share my thoughts that I wrote down after...Words do no describe the feelings and thoughts I felt while standing in the beautiful brides room.  All that was on my mind was the future...Me and my worthy prince going to this beautiful castle to be start our fairytale of forever.  The spirit hit me so strong to think me and my mom would be in there when I was getting all ready and to go to the center of the room with her and look in the mirrors and see ourselves forever.  I also loved the soarkly chandaliers that when you looked up at the light coming through them looked like little rainbows and to know that on my special day seeing thouse rainbows that I will know my loved ones from heaven would be there with me.... I am so grateful for the chance I had to come see this beautiful room....I'm sure I will have more to post on the temple but for now this is all I can put into words:)


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