
Friday, December 11, 2015

We've Got News!!!

I am beyond grateful for this opportunity which I have been given to become a mom!  I'm just going to share a little bit of the journey leading up to this point.  Me and EJ have only been married for nine months, I'm sure there are a lot of people saying they haven't even been married that long, they are too young, or can they even afford to have a child?  Well here we are we have took the time to make sure that this decision we made was the right thing! I have always had 4 goals in life 1. Graduate High School 2. Marry my prince charming 3. Graduate Cosmetology 4. BE A MOM.  Most of my family understands my desire to be a mom.  Being a mom was what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I have always loved kids no matter who they are or where they came from! Me and Ej got marrried in March of 2015, He knew my want to become a mom but he was not ready and got stressed whenever I would even mention it to him.  I tried not to say anything until may came around and I went to listen to my moms relief society lesson and guess what the topic was? MOMS!!! It hit me hard, I knew I had a family in heaven patiently waiting and preparing to come to our earthly family.  I came straight home from church and told Ej my feelings and that I was ready to be a mom.  He still was unsure and wanted to wait a little longer.  I supported him in his decision and we moved on with life.  I attended the temple monthly and each time I went I prayed to know what we were suppose to do.  As I pondered that each visit the importance of family kept pounding into my head! I still was unsure! We are now in September and I decided to stop taking my birth control.  We wasn't sure if  I could even get pregnant and we just decided if would happen when It was Suppose too.  I don't think anything worse could have happened in September. EJ was driving the swather home in the middle of the night after work and it over heated on him causing a leak which lead to blowing up the motor and the turbo.  I was dealing with the court stressed and nervous as to what would happen.  I couldn't figure out why all this was happening to us like this?  Me and EJ talked and wondered if this was our answer that we needed to put off having a family so we could get our own life under control!  So once again about mid September we went to the temple together I prayed and wanted an answer I still got the same impressions as I had gotten before.  So I was lost and confused and felt like I didn't know anymore what I was suppose to do! Then I went with my mom and shaunie to the general women's conference and the first speaker caught my attention. Sister Rosemary M. Wixon Started off her talk with these words, "We come to this earth to nurture and discover the seeds of divine nature that are within us.  Sisters, we love you! I testify that life is a gift. God has a plan for each one of us, and our individual purpose began long before we came to this earth.
Lately I have come to recognize the miracle of a baby’s birth into mortality as part of the Lord’s plan. Each one of us developed physically within our mother’s womb while relying for many months on her body to sustain ours. Eventually, however, the process of birth—dramatic for both mother and child—separated us.

As a baby emerges into this world, the change of temperature and light and the sudden release of pressure on the chest induce the baby to take its first gasping breath. Those little lungs suddenly fill with air for the first time, the organs spring into action, and the baby begins to breathe. As the umbilical cord is clamped, that lifeline between mother and baby is forever severed, and the baby’s life on earth begins.
Job said, “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.”1
We come into this world “trailing clouds of glory.”2 “TheFamily: A Proclamation to the World” teaches that each one of us “is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents” and “each has a divine nature and destiny.”3 Heavenly Father generously shares a portion of His divinity within us. That divine nature comes as a gift from Him with a love that only a parent can feel.
We come to this earth to nurture and discover the seeds of divine nature that are within us."   

I then knew that I had a gift and I needed to use it.  The following week I then had the opportunity to watch as my sister gave birth to her second little boy.  The Spirit was so strong and brought so many thoughts and emotions into my mind.  My Heart was filled with joy and I knew that I wanted to have the opportunity that she just had and I wanted to raise a healthy little baby and become a mom.  The next day as I was sitting in the hospital room holding my new little nephew we were watching conference and Elder Hollands talk was about moms also.I loved this quote out of his talk "To all of our mothers everywhere past, present, and future I say Thank You Thank You Thank You for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of christ.  To all Those mothers in every circumstance including those who struggle, and all will, I say be peaceful, believe in god and yourself you are doing better than you think you are.  In fact, you are saviors on mount zion, and like the master you follow your love never faileth I can pay no higher tribute to anyone." He also shared this quote in his talk "No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of jesus christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child." I hadn't ever really prayed to receive specific answers through general conference but it works The revelation that I received from each talk was just what I had been waiting for!  After all these answers and everything in life starting to fall back into place I knew it was time to be a mom!  Life just kept getting better me and ej were on the same page and ready to embark in this journey.  Well on Oct. 7th things had slowed down and I realized I was a week late on my period so when I talked to ej that night we decided I should take a test.  So I hung up went and got one and within seconds two pink lines appeared i didn't want to believe it.  Baby Pali will be arriving Beginning of June 2016 we couldn't feel anymore blessed, Excited, or Nervous but we are ready to become a family of 3.  I worry about bringing a perfect little baby into this scary world but I hope and pray that me and ej will be good examples to our children and teach them how important it is to always have the gospel in their life.  My favorite song right now is the song "mom" by Garth brooks  everyone needs to take time to listen.