
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nelson Family Pictures

These pictures definetly describe them... Just there unique selves...loved getting khloe all ready with hair and makeup and she just does what ever I want her too miss photogentic





Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brigham City Temple Dedication

The temple dedication was a neat experience I hadn't ever had the opportunity to attend one but it was so neat that the first one I was able to attend was the temple in our area.  The Brigham City Temple is an important temple to me because of all the opportunities it has gave me so far and will bring me more.  I loved being able to watch them fill in the corner stone and laughed when Boyd K. Packer did a little and they asked him to do more and he said no.  I loved when President Checketts spoke and said last night in the cultural celebration you guys promised me you would come to the temple and I can't wait to see you there.  I am so excited to be able to attend the temple as often as I can and take advantage to be so lucky to have a temple so close to us! We are truly lucky and blessed to have the Brigham temple in our lives.  I loved standing up after the wonderful dedicatory prayer and raising our white hankies and said the phrase that they gave us then singing the spirit of god that song is one of my favorite hymns and I felt the spirit so strong as we sang it.  I was so happy to see Boyd K. Packer be able to be there and dedicate it... He said how grateful he was to be there and that a couple of years ago when they announced this temple that all he did was prayed that he would be alive to dedicate it and sure enough he might not of been the healthiest but he was there and did an amazing job!!!

Harvest Of Faith Pictures

 Poor bishop so tired from being up at 5 a.m.
 Funniest thing Lindsay taking juggling lessons
 Favorite part Called to Serve
 Temple Moral
Our stakes dance the buliding of the brigham co-op
 Awesome CC Leaders without them it wouldn't have been so amazing
The Important guests that were there to watch the final show

Harvest Of Faith Personal Feelings

***Personal Experiences***
Starting back in july I signed up to be a part of the harvest of faith celebration in honor of the brigham city temple dedication.  I started practices the first part of august once a week.  They were on a summer night and was super hot at first I had a bad attitude about learning the dance they kept changing things on us and as a dancer I had no patience waiting until everyone else caught on to what we were doing I just wanted to move on with the learning! After a handful of long practices and the dance was all learned and perfected I had a complete attitude adjustment I loved going to practices and square dancing and preparing to perform.  I loved the spirit that was brought to me at all the practices that helped me realize that I was in the right place and this was a once in a lifetime expierence for me.  I had lots of funny/spiritual memories made whitle doing this that I will never forget.  I made new friends that I never thought I would have and grew a greater testimony and appreciation of the harvest of faith and the temple then I had before.  Yesterday while doing the whole show for the first time ever I felt the spirit so strong I don't think I have ever had goose bumps so much in my life...Every time we performed it the spirit grew stronger to me! The first time we did it for and audience was our 2nd dress rehersal and president frandsen spoke to us and said we ARE the generation sent here to keep our church running strong.  That really made me look around and see that 4000 of us stopped our busy lives to attend practices every week and spend 2 whole day practicing to make this celebration perfect.  That sacrafice was one of the greatest sacrafices I had made in the end.  The Final number was the most amazing one I personally had done! We were able to have two quarm of the twelve apostles attend.  Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder Russel M. Nelson.  Before the Celebration Started They both talked to us and Some of the things they said that really stuck out to me was Russel M. Nelson said this is an expierence of a lifetime the Brigham temple is so so special to all of us and held dear in our hearts.  Elder L. Tom Perry said You guys are this generations Stripling Warriors you just have better costumes.  I don't care if this performance is perfect all I care about is that you have made new friends that will last you an eternity. After there words we started the celebration.  I loved it all some of the things that I LOVED through out the whole number was the opening number with our different bright colored shirts and streamers and in the middle of the dance it says someday when he comes again we be able to meet him there and we turned and pointed to the temple.  After that number we booked it to change into our pioneer costumes for our square dance number in honor of the brigham city co-op.  I had so much fun square dancing and learning about the brigham city co-op and loved when they pulled up the buildings in the middle of the dance as if they were actually building them through the way we danced.  The most touching number for me though by far was the closing I am not someone who sheds tears I hold them in.  I loved seeing 4000 of us dressed in black and white as missionaries.  It all started out with families with missionaries out serving walking onto the stage with mailboxes and playing a slideshow of pctures of some of the missionaries from our area.  Then the song the armies of helaman started playing and all the elder and sister missionaries serving in the area walked out carrying utah flags I loved seeing them encourages me to someday serve the lord in some way.  After they were on the field all 4000 of us had flags from every countrie that there are missionaries serving and marched onto the field singing called to serve.  This was and emotional number for me my eyes were watering and the spirit was so strong I am very thankful for the missionaries out in the mission field serving for the church and also those who have passed serving up above.  After this we got rid of our flags and sang I love to see the temple.  The first verse we stood towards the crowd and the second we kneeled down and sang looking at the temple.  When we ended the first verse I don't know if very many people were watching and paying attention but loved watching the temple light up and being about to just see it glowing.  This was the most memorable expirences that I have expierenced and I will never forget how much it blessed my liife my heart is full of gratitude and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be sealed to my family and know that temples make it possible for us to be FOREVER<3 I am so excited to have a temple so close to attend for baptisms for the dead and later on in my life be sealed to my eternal partner and perform other ordinaces.  I AM GOING THERE SOMEDAY!

KSL Article About Harvest Of Faith

BRIGHAM CITY — Thousands of young people of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints performed in a cultural celebration the night before the dedication of the Brigham City Temple.Nearly 4,000 young men and women, ages 12 to 18, have rehearsed and planned for months for this event that parents, friends and church leaders watched Saturday night.Two Apostles, Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder Russell M. Nelson shared their excitement."Oh, this is wonderful," Elder Perry said. "To think that we'll have a cultural celebration before we'll have the great dedication of the Brigham City, Utah temple."The city has strong ties to pioneer history, and is named after the LDS Church's second prophet, Brigham Young, who gave his final address in what is now known as Pioneer Park. The church's fifth prophet, Lorenzo Snow, is buried in the Brigham City cemetery."This is an experience of a lifetime," Nelson said. "Any temple dedication is, but in Brigham City, it's very, very special, a place held dear to us all."Before the celebration, they visited with families in the stands."Now, don't worry about your performance tonight," Perry said. "We just hope you've made a lot of friends that will last and endure for the eternities to come. God bless each of you."
Special Broadcast
"Fruits of Faith: Celebrating a small town temple"
Sunday, Oct. 7, 1:30 p.m.
Channel 5
Then the young people recreated the history of the Brigham City area through song and dance. They honored the Native Americans, the immigrants who came from Denmark, Wales and Latin America. They even recreated the building of the railroad and the driving of the Golden Spike."They've learned the various cultures and some of the things that drew them here and what we can learn from those other cultures," said Box Elder Stake President Ronald Frandsen. "I think that makes us better Latter-day Saints."For the performers, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience."At first I thought it was crazy but, now I'm liking it a lot," said Willard resident Ethan Mills. "I think it's a really neat experience to do something for the temple like this."The Cultural Celebration closed with all eyes on Brigham City's beautiful new landmark. The 36,000 square-foot Brigham City temple is the 139th to be built worldwide and is intended to serve parts of northern Utah as well as Malad, Idaho, covering 13 stakes and 40,000 members of the LDS church. The design is reminiscent of historic temples of the church. It has a very unique design, combining the old and new. A peach blossom design can be found both inside and outside the temple on various areas. Latter-day Saints throughout Utah and in Malad, Idaho will be able to participate in the dedication in their Church meetinghouses. There will be no regular Sunday services for them tomorrow.

The Harvest Of Faith Celebration "Videos"

For a good news reports about the Harvest Of Faith Celebration visit this link

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blessings Of The Brigham City Temple

****Personal but wanted to share****
WOW is the only thing I have to say about the blessing the brigham city temple has brought into my life...I have had the opportunity to be an usher, be on booty duty, Be a guest a few times, and participate in the temple celebration.  It has strenghthend my testimony in ways that know one will ever understand.  To start off the journey the brigham temple has took in my life was about a year ago and a few months that me and my siblings sat in the down pour rain to watch the angel moroni be placed on top of the temple what a great day right as it was time to put it on the temple the weather cleared up and they were able to put it on after much delay.  The First opportunity I had of being at the temple was the week of the fair they asked for helpers to go put booties on people so there shoes didn't track stuff in the temple...I'll be honest I was determined not to go I didn't want to I would have to wake up early and needed to get my lamb ready for the fair.  But after much convincing by my parents I decided to go...I was able to put booties on for about 3.5 hours and had lots of fun seeing how big of hurry the people were in to get there booties on because they were excited to go into the temple.  After about 3.5 hours I was asked to go usher people outside in the front and help them find there way and be there photographer when they wanted a family picture.  I had some great opportunities and one I am going to share that means a lot to me that might not mean anything to anyone else....I was taking a families picture and handed them there camera back when a girl and a boy taped me on my sholder to see if I could take one of them.  They were't from around here and were not LDS had no clue what the temple was but the girl thought it was beautiful and wanted to stop for a picture.  So I took there picture and started talking to them as questions started to flow I know for a fact the spirit guided me in what I was suppose to say to answer there questions because I don't even know how I knew what to say...One of them that really strengthend me was that they wondered if it was possible to tour it I told them yes go down stairs and just join a tour she started to feel guilty she told me we are not dressed and I have tatoos and extra piercings I just looked at her smiled and said it's ok that doesn't matter we do not judge anybody for how they look we are all unique and children of our heavanly father.  She smiled back and said thanks and I wan't sure if they ever went but as my shift was ending I walked down pass the movie place in the parking garage and here her and her boyfriend came walking out and had picked up one of the hadout cards that they give.  I don't know how there tour went but I made me get the chills to think that I might have been the one to make a difference in her life and help her out...:) I also got a good laugh when families would say to there kids smile and look at the SISTER MISSIONARY she is going to take our picture and I just laughed wanting to say actually im only 16 and in high school still...But after these awesome experiences I would put into perspective of serving a mission if it is right... If not now one with my husband! I have also had a blast being a part of the temple celebration dancing and being able to learn about the CO-OP and square dancing it was stressful at first and I had a bad attitude but with an attitude adjustment I have enjoyed going and being involved and being able to do one of the things that I love doing:)...I also had the chance to go with my family and the Smarts to tour the temple the first day of school what a great end to the day... I love the temple and can't wait for the day I go inside<3 This past sunday I was also able to go to the brides room and spend some time in there...Im just going to share my thoughts that I wrote down after...Words do no describe the feelings and thoughts I felt while standing in the beautiful brides room.  All that was on my mind was the future...Me and my worthy prince going to this beautiful castle to be start our fairytale of forever.  The spirit hit me so strong to think me and my mom would be in there when I was getting all ready and to go to the center of the room with her and look in the mirrors and see ourselves forever.  I also loved the soarkly chandaliers that when you looked up at the light coming through them looked like little rainbows and to know that on my special day seeing thouse rainbows that I will know my loved ones from heaven would be there with me.... I am so grateful for the chance I had to come see this beautiful room....I'm sure I will have more to post on the temple but for now this is all I can put into words:)


Hi-Stepper Team PIctures

Yesterday we headed to mantua to take team was an exciting day getting our heads ripped off for inturupting the midevil pictures.... we also met some new friends while taking pictures (a heard of deer) but all in all it was a success.. here are a few I just snapped I can't wait to get the real ones back Julie Hess took them and always does and amazing job:)


The Boys Of Fall

Well it's that time of year again and the past couple saturdays we have spent our afternoon out watching the boys of fall play. Last year Dixon and his team did amazing and made it to the semi final mini bowl game...They are off to a great start again and have a great chance and hopefully this year we can bring on the mini bowl

My football buddy love olivia I would take her home with me if her parents would let me always putting a smile on my face:)